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Group Policy / Culture



Company Principles

ADVENTA operates in many regions around the world, in varying political and social environments, with people of different races and cultures. The Group adheres to the following 6 organizational principles in its dealings with its customers, suppliers, shareholders, and partners:

  1. Integrity

  2. Corporate Responsibility

  3. Quality and Value

  4. Focus

  5. Non-political Involvement

  6. Environmental Care

  7. Material Core Focus Areas

  8. EES​




Adventa maintains integrity in all dealings and trade, working to achieve excellence through honesty and responsibility, and without compromising on its duty of care. Undue and illegitimate practices are not tolerated.



Corporate Responsibility 

Adventa operates with a clear open policy when dealing with its shareholders and the authorities, making proper and timely disclosures of any and all material factors it faces. Adventa is to uphold and maintain the trust of its customers and shareholders.



Quality and Values

Adventa strives for quality in all it does, giving customers the value they expect and deserve. Adventa endeavors to meet customer requirements and exceed expectations with the products it manufactures and sells.




The Group maintains a clear and defined focus on its objectives and targets. Adventa is set to be a multi layered and multi-product group producing and distributing products used in the healthcare industry.



Non-political Involvements

Adventa operates for commercial enterprise and to create value and returns for its shareholders. The Group is determined to operate within the legitimate laws and regulations set down by the democratically elected governments and do not involve themselves in any political, philosophical activity or movement of any particular group, country, or region.



Environmental & Social Cares

Adventa operates within accepted social and environmental requirements. Its responsibility to society and social wellbeing is a priority in all its commercial decisions. Adventa works to achieve a cleaner and healthier environment for all employees and the societies it operates in, and uses its knowledge and ability to contribute back to its environment. The lives, careers and the rights of its employees are respected and enhanced in recognition of their loyalty and dedication in the organisation.



Material Core Focus Areas

Materiality, in sustainability terms, is not limited to matters that may have a financial impact on the Group but includes issues that may impinge on its ability to meet its present and future needs. The Group's definition of materiality is derived from the prescribed guidelines provided by Section 6.3 of the Practice Note 9 of the MMLR of Bursa Malaysia Securities, where material issues are defined as those which:

•    reflect our Group's significant EES impacts; and/or
•    substantively influence the assessment and decisions of the stakeholders.

The Group have internally performed a materiality assessment on the Group's EES matters and has identified the key focus areas which may have a greater direct or indirect impact on our Group's ability to create, preserve or erode the EES position. We evaluate business strategy decisions for sustainability risks and long term impacts. Collateral risks are identified and contained.




The Group has made awareness and commitment to sustainability as a part of our management goal. We strive to achieve equitable diversity in our people, culture, philosophies and open-minded inclusiveness in all communities we engaged with. The Group carries out continuous engagements with all stakeholders on the best approach to social, environmental and economic goals without negative impacts. Our environmental and social footprints are to be minimised. Wastages, emissions, and inefficiencies are targeted as an environmental issue. Energy saving processes and product designs are parameters in our Research & Development (R&D).   

Being in the healthcare industry, product competitiveness and quality, functional relevance and service levels are fundamental criteria for the company. Our policy and culture underpin our goals of:

•    Products and services of value and quality that can ensure better safety and health of our customers. 
•    Minimal environmental footprint in process and product consumption.
•    Improved social impact with our services.
•    Safety and health assurance for our employees.

The Group practices diversity and equal opportunity for all, measured solely on performance metrics. There shall be zero discrimination in compensation and opportunities. Parental and family commitments are assessed and accommodated effectively to enable employees of all age and sex to participate productively and wholeheartedly.

Building a sustainable future

Adventa is committed to ensure sustainability with the active participation of all its people, continuously assessing risks and opportunity, work with newer technologies, open engagement and with integrity in all we do.

© 2023 Adventa Berhad (200301016113 (618533-M)). All Rights Reserved.

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